3 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Fleck
RB2447 1160 49-21
Medium, TortoiseCHF 80.07 -
3 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Fleck
RB2447 1157 49-21
Medium, TortoiseCHF 80.07 -
4 colors#New #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 001/83 53-21
Large, GoldCHF 105.70 -
4 colors#New #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 004/9A 55-21
Medium, SilverCHF 105.70 -
4 colors#New
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 001/CB 55-21
Extra Large, GoldCHF 96.37 -
4 colors#New
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 001/VR 53-21
Large, GoldCHF 91.00 -
Which Ray-Ban Round RB3447 to choose ?
ALL ABOUT THIS BESTSELLERNot so long ago, fans of the Ray-Ban Round did not hesitate : they selected the reference RB3447 001, standard model with the golden frame and the famous lenses G-15. But with such success, the brand has chosen to decline the small round. So what are the differences between these new references?
4 colors#New
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 001/VR 55-21
Extra Large, GoldCHF 91.00 -
4 colors#New
Ray-Ban Round Reverse
RBR0103S 92023A 53-21
Large, GoldCHF 91.00 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 002/R5 51-22
Medium, BlackCHF 81.63 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 9069/A5 51-22
Medium, PinkCHF 85.52 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 9070/51 51-22
Medium, BrownCHF 85.52 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 001 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 69.96 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 001/7O 51-22
Medium, GoldCHF 84.74 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 001/4O 51-22
Medium, GoldCHF 92.52 -
12 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 001 51-22
Medium, GoldCHF 80.07 -
27 colors#Best #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9196/48 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 102.63 -
14 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 001 53-21
Large, GoldCHF 69.96 -
27 colors#Best #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 001/58 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 97.96 -
12 colors#Best #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 001/57 51-22
Medium, GoldCHF 101.04 -
14 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9001/A5 47-21
Small, GoldCHF 80.07 -
14 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 001 47-21
Small, GoldCHF 69.96 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 002/4O 50-21
Medium, BlackCHF 85.52 -
3 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Fleck
RB2447 901 49-21
Medium, BlackCHF 77.74 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9001/A5 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 80.07 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9003/96 50-21
Medium, BrownCHF 81.63 -
7 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal Flat Lenses
RB3447N 001/Z2 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 84.74 -
7 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal Flat Lenses
RB3447N 001/9O 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 83.96 -
12 colors#Best #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 002/58 51-22
Medium, BlackCHF 100.26 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9199/31 50-21
Medium, BlackCHF 69.96 -
27 colors#Best #Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 112/4L 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 101.08 -
27 colors
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 029 50-21
Medium, GreyCHF 77.74 -
12 colors
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 9211/B1 51-22
Medium, SilverCHF 77.70 -
14 colors#Polarized
Ray-Ban Round
RB3447 9196/48 53-21
Large, GoldCHF 102.63 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9198/B1 50-21
Medium, SilverCHF 69.96 -
14 colors
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9229/B1 47-21
Small, GreyCHF 77.74 -
27 colors#Best
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 019/30 50-21
Medium, SilverCHF 85.48 -
12 colors
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 9068/3F 51-22
Medium, ClearCHF 83.15 -
14 colors#Polarized
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9196/48 47-21
Small, GoldCHF 102.63 -
12 colors
Ray-Ban Round Double Bridge
RB3647N 9238/71 51-22
Medium, GoldCHF 82.37 -
Ray-Ban Round Craft
RB3475Q 9193/R5 50-21
Medium, BlueCHF 124.45 -
14 colors
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 029 53-21
Large, GreyCHF 77.74 -
27 colors
Ray-Ban Round Metal
RB3447 9196/31 50-21
Medium, GoldCHF 77.74